How many eggs can you eat a day: myths and recommendations

Eggs are a valuable source of protein and other nutrients. However, there are many opinions about how many eggs are safe to eat per day. Let’s look at the myths and give recommendations on how many eggs you can eat per day.

Myth 1: Eggs raise cholesterol.

  • Fact: Eating eggs in moderation (up to 7 per week) does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol in most people.

Myth 2: Eat only whites, avoid yolks.

  • Fact: The yolk contains important nutrients, including B vitamins, iron and choline. Moderate consumption of yolks is safe.

Moderate consumption

  • Most adults without serious cholesterol problems can eat 1-2 eggs per day, including yolks.
  • If you have any medical conditions or special requirements, please consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Beware of context

  • It is important to consider your overall diet and lifestyle. Eggs can be part of a varied and balanced diet.

Attention to preparation

  • Avoid over-salted and over-sweetened dishes with eggs. Prefer cooking methods without excess oil or olive oil.

How many grams of protein are in one egg

One medium egg (about 50 grams) contains about 6 grams of protein. The exact amount of protein may vary slightly depending on the size of the egg and the breed of chicken, but this is a general guideline. So, if you need 100 grams of protein, you might need 17 eggs.

Approximate average protein content of different types of eggs:

1. Chicken eggs:

  • A small egg (about 38 g) contains about 5 g of protein.
  • An average egg (about 50 g) contains about 6 g of protein.
  • A large egg (about 60 g) contains about 7 g of protein.
  • A very large egg (about 68 g) contains about 8 g of protein.

2. Duck eggs:

  • A duck egg (about 68 g) contains about 9 g of protein.

3. Quail eggs:

  • A quail egg (about 9 g) contains about 1.2 g of protein.

The exact protein content may vary slightly depending on the variety and feeding of the bird. The values given are approximate averages and can serve as a guide for estimating the protein content of eggs of different sizes and types.


Many factors, including health and dietary preferences, influence how many eggs you should eat per day. Monitor your needs and overall nutrition, and remember that moderate consumption of eggs as part of a varied diet is usually safe and healthy.